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Understanding and Managing Anxiety: Practical Tips for Finding Calm
Anxiety - what it is and effective strategies to manage it.
Managing change yet again and some self-help tips.
Life resumes! It’s coming up to two weeks now since news of Singapore opening up, which means lesser restrictions to movements, going...
Building emotional resilience through emotional agility.
An interesting take on practicing emotional agility to be more emotionally resilient. What I have found helpful is: 1) Embracing the...
A new Beginning 2021
If you are thinking of how to start journaling, to work with issues / past issues that you would like to process or release and don't...
Silent Night
We are just 3 days away from Christmas, and even though I am not with my family due to travel restrictions, I am grateful for this time...
Are you alright?
I have been meaning to write and do a few videos [and I will.. I just happen to be working on a slow and compassionate timeline;)] on...
Having healthy relationships - say no to emotional dumping
I came across this word "emotional dumping" just recently and was interested to know what it meant. What I found was very interesting...
Letting the anxieties go and relaxing - for my friends who are in a lockdown
I know that some countries are going into the lockdown state and I am sure no one likes it. The worries, and anxieties around the...
How to self soothe in 5 minutes
Have you ever encountered a stressful or challenging moment and you have difficultly thinking straight? That usually happens when an...
Remembering the 3M
If you are struggling each day, remember the 3 Ms which is beneficial for your overall health. Movement - ...
ANAJ: Blog
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