The Journey Within

Jan 11, 20212 min

Bare minimum in communication

Updated: Jan 14, 2021

Today, I was reminded once again the importance of communication. I preach about this, I write about this and I get utterly passionate when thoughts, feelings and ideas are not communicated - properly or at all. We often see this is movies or at a workplace when communication is not open, clear or honest due to a variety of personal or external reasons, causing missed opportunities, misinterpretations , miscommunications, assumptions, wastage of time, energy and resources. When we choose to communicate our thoughts, ideas and feelings in a respective and thoughtful manner, we are choosing to be courageous, vulnerable, and open to a response that may or may not work in our favor. Communication is not easy for sure. It is a life long learning journey to understand, what to say, when to say and how to say it well. We have a life time to keep trying our best, and we learn best when we fail or make mistakes.

What is the intention behind most communication anyway?

  1. Seek information

  2. Seek clarity

  3. Seek confirmation

  4. To comment or express our thoughts / feelings

  5. To influence or socialize

How then would one communicate?

  1. Think about the intention you intend to deliver across

  2. Choose your words carefully and thoughtfully

  3. Be mindful of the tone

  4. Be open and honest while respecting the other

  5. Say what needs to be said

  6. Be courageous and that also means allowing yourself to be vulnerable

  7. Then, listen. Communication is a two way direction, allow time for a response.

I know this write-out does not cover communication at a wide angle; this is just a bare minimum and if we can at least try this I am sure we will succeed in expressing our thoughts, ideas and feelings well. As to the response, well, that is not up to us but the listener's and that is another topic all together.

"Verbal communication is essential in order to understand what is going on inside other people. If they do not tell us their thoughts, their feelings, and their experiences, we are left to guess." Dr. Gary Chapman, Now You're Speaking My Language

Points to note:

1. Speak what's on your mind and heart

2. Be mindful of your choice of words and tone

3. Find a proper time to discuss / talk

4. Be open

5. Be courageous

6. Be vulnerable

7. Accept what comes after in good stride

8. Pat yourself on your back for being brave and vulnerable!